Tag Archives: Facebook

Review on Lean In

I read the book Lean In: Women, Work, and The Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg(182pages) and it was a a very insightful book on her challenges to become who she is today. I liked that she was grasping the intention on how women should not just justify that we are women but to learn and experience failure or success and let that define us.

She gives a lot of life stories that I really enjoyed.  There are stories that go from personal to professional life. Sandberg is the Harvard-educated chief operating officer of Facebook and a feminist.

She is the prime example of a feminist to me. She talks about so many obstacles that she has faced and conquered. I really like how she expresses just because she’s a female doesn’t mean she’s going to let that define her. She has worked at Google and at Facebook.

All of the stories that she tells about her life gives me a type of determination to do whatever I feel like doing.

She also talks about being a good leader and not wanting you to feel like you can’t lead if you are a female. I know some women would think “I wouldn’t let me being a female make me think I can’t lead,” but she explains how in being an a high power over people would make you feel different. She also explains that even when you get that specific feeling that you should overcome it and not let anything get in your way.

“The ability to listen is a important as the ability to speak”

The quote above I think is very true because most people don’t LISTEN they wait to reply. She gives ways that has worked for her to help her get to the top and be a leader.